Registered teams will be able to participate in several training webinars on specific topics related to the call.
Additionally, FoodFactory-4-Us will organize two virtual meetings where teams can meet the members of the Scientific Committee and discuss any aspect related to the implementation of the project.

Webinar 1: Introduction to the FoodFactory4Us 2019 Edition on Fighting Food, Energy and Water Losses, Prof. Paola Pittia. At least one member of each team should attend. Webinar took place on Monday 4 March at 13H CET. Download the slides from the webinar at the bottom of the page. Link to the video here.

Webinar 2: Making Cheesecake the PM Way - A Basic Introduction to Project Management, Dr. Rainer Svacinka. At least one member of each team should attend and all are welcome to attend. Webinar took place on Monday 18 March at 13H CET. Download the slides from the webinar at the bottom of the page. Link to the video here.

Webinar 3: Use of Computer Vision as a Process Analytical Technology (PAT) Tool for Food Drying, Dr. Roberto Moscetti. At least one member of each team should attend and all are welcome to attend. Webinar will take place in on Wednesday 10 April at 13H CET. Link to the video here.

MOOC on Food Waste (in French and English): Please register for the FUN MOOC here. Unfortunately, the registration is only in French, however once you are registered you can access the Food Waste course materials in English. To register follow "Inscription" and complete the form as best you can. Then search "Gaspillage Alimentaire" and violĂ ! You are in the Food Waste course. Have fun!


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