09. Jul. 2020

Virtual Workshop, July 9, 13:45 CEST

If you are interested, please register at:


This free virtual workshop organized by the ISEKI-Food Association is aimed to provide an overview of the main challenges and opportunities in Higher Education with main reference to the study programs related to the food sector, research and society.

The event will offer an opportunity to all the participants to present their experiences, to discuss and to share ideas and actions to tackle the crisis and to promote the trio security, safety and sustainability in the food production by responsible research, innovation and higher education.



The global landscape has dramatically been affected by the spread of the coronavirus and generated large-scale consequences for public health, global and societal interactions as well as education at all levels. At economic level, the covid-19 pandemics has given rise to an unexpected economic crisis worldwide. Despite lockdown, the food manufacturing sector has been forced to continue to secure and provide food to the population forced in severe confinement, highlighting main critical issues of the current system and the need to invest more in research and innovation to support the development of a more sustainable food supply chain worldwide.

The switching to remote teaching and students assessment has been a core feature of changes in learning and teaching induced by the coronavirus. Moreover, universities and the academic community are asked to find out more sustainable solutions to other issues arisen by the coronavirus pandemics including those related to the internationalization strategies, the students and staff mobility through the EU and international framework programs, and the cooperation and collaborative initiatives.




Opening of the virtual room


Welcome and introduction of the event (Gerhard Schleining, ISEKI-Food Assoc.)


Covid-19 crisis: opportunities for a new Higher Education ecosystem (Paola Pittia, Univ. of Teramo, IT & Cristina L.M. Silva, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, PT)


Food safety: challenges and opportunities due to an emerging hazard (Florence Dubois-Brissonnet, AgroParisTech, FR)


Changing the food industry scenario tackling pandemic impact (Marco Dalla Rosa, Univ. of Bologna, IT)


Wrap up and closure (Rui Costa, ISEKI-Food Assoc.)



Paola Pittia, Ph.D.
Full Professor of Food Science andTechnology

Faculty of Bioscience and Technology for Food Agriculture and Environment
University of Teramo
Via R. Balzarini 64100 Teramo (Italy) 

Paola Pittia is Food Scientist and Technologists and PhD in Nanotechnology (University of Triest, 2016).  Full Professor in Food Science and Technology at the Faculty of Biosciences and Technology for Food, Agriculture and Environment, University of Teramo. From 2013 she has been appointed as of Deputy Rector for Internationalization and Joint study programs. The scientific activity of P. Pittia is focused on food processing and shelf-life, quality and technological functionality of ingredients and food components, and design of formulated food products. She has also a main expertise in new teaching methodologies, curriculum development, Quality Assurance, and accreditation of Food Science & Technology study programs. She is/was scientific referent of several research projects, national and international carried out both with public institutes and in collaboration with food industries.  Paola Pittia is co-author of 120 papers published in scientific peer-reviewed international journals, 7 book chapters and more than 190 oral and posters presentations at national and international conferences.

She has been involved since 2005 as partner of Erasmus ISEKI-Food projects (ISEKI-Food2, ISEKI-Food3, Mundus, and Mundus 2), coordinated the Erasmus Thematic Network ISEKI_Food 4 (2011-2014) and currently she coordinates the Erasmus+ KA2 ASKFOOD (2018-2020).  She is currently the President of the ISEKI-Food Association.


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Cristina L.M. Silva, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Escola Superior de Biotecnologia
Universidade Católica Portuguesa
4169-005 Porto, Portugal

Cristina L.M. Silva is Chem. Eng. and PhD in Biotechnology and Food Engineering, and is involved in research on quality and safety of processed foods and by-products, with special emphasis on mathematical modelling and optimisation of the processes. She published 156 papers in refereed international journals – which have received to date 3473 cites since 1996 listed by the ISI® web of knowledge and has an Elsevier SCOPUS® h-index of 31 - She has been institutional leader of several national and international projects, and coordinator of the projects ISEKI_Food 1, 2 and 3,  and ISEKI_Mundus 1 and 2, and FP7 KBBE project Track_Fast. She was president of the ISEKI-Food association, and is currently a member of the board of the ISEKI-Food Association, chair of the ISEKI-Food Academy, chair of the Education Committee of IUFoST - International Union of Food Science and Technology, and at ESB coordinates the PhD in Biotechnology, is responsible for the international relations, and president of the Pedagogical Council.  She is also a member of the direction board of the Research Center (CBQF), associate editor of the Journal of Food Processing Engineering, and editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Food Studies, the official journal of the ISEKI-Food Association.


Florence Dubois-Brissonnet, Ph.D.
Professor of microbiology and food safety
Department of Food Science and Technology
16, rue Claude Bernard, 75008 Paris, France

Florence Dubois-Brissonnet is Professor of Microbiology and Food Safety in the Department of Food Science and Technology of the AgroParisTech (France) and in Micalis Institute (University Paris-Saclay, INRAE, AgroParisTech). In the research team ‘Biofilms and spatialized communities”, she coordinates research programs on adaptation and persistence of foodborne pathogens in food processing environments. She has developed an expertise about bacterial membrane adaptation to stresses encountered in foods and food processing environments in regards to their resistance to disinfectants and natural antimicrobial compounds. She is now specifically working on the mechanisms of cold adaptation of Listeria monocytogenes when it uses food unsaturated lipids.

Professor Dubois-Brissonnet is co-director of Master’s degree program on “Food safety and risk analysis” and she is coordinator of numerous graduate programs on food microbiology, food quality, foodborne pathogens, and antimicrobial compounds.



Marco Dalla Rosa, Ph.D.
Full Professor
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna 

Campus of Food Science

Piazza Goidanich 60


Marco Dalla Rosa, MSc in Agricultural Sciences at the University of Bologna, curriculum of Food Biotechnology; PhD in Food Biotechnology. From 2000 Full Professor of Food Science and Technology and Coordinator of the Bachelor Degree Course in Food Technology at the University of Bologna, Campus of Food Sciences of Cesena. President of the Italian Coordination of Food Science and Technology Degree Courses. His research fileds are mainly on water in foods, intermediate mosture foods, sustainable and active packaging solutions and non-thermal technologies.

From 2011 to 2018 he has been Director of the Interdepartimental Centre on Agrifood Industrial Research of the University of Bologna. Author of more than 300 scientific papers, 168 papers in refereed international journals – which have received to date 4482 cites since 1983 listed by the ISI® web of knowledge and has an Elsevier SCOPUS® h-index of 33, a Google Scholar h-index of 42 with 7262 citations; he has been invited speaker in over 220 events in Italy and abroad; visiting professor at Kauno kolegija (Kaunas, Lithuania), Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok (RUS) and Sao Paulo University (Brasil), Scopus Author ID: 57191104940. Scientific responsible of several regional and national research projects, coordinator of the EU FOODSPROCESS (Marie Curie) project and U.O. of EU projects: FAIR: CA on osmotic dehydration; KBBE: Heatox, CHANCE, Track-Fast, Rescape, Core Organic Plus Ecoberries, and FoodNet, Iseki Food 1-2-3-4. ISEKI_Mundus 1-2). Chair of the EFFoST Conference in Bologna (2013) and co-chair of the Foodinnova® Conference in Cesena (2017). Chair of the Value Chain PrImPack in the frame of the CLUST-ER Agri-food sector of the Emilia Romagna Region. SISTAL Advisory Board member, ISEKI-Food Association Advisory Board member. Former EFFoST Executive Committee Member. GHI Ambassador & WG Global Incident Alert Networks co-chair. Member of the Expert Review Panel of Swedish Research Council Formas. PRIN PLASMAFOOD National Coordinator. PTEP Honorary Lifetime Member. Iseki-Food Academy award.