07. Oct. 2021 to 09. Oct. 2021
University of Food Technologies
Boulevard “Maritza” 26
4002 Marasha, 16
Plovdiv BG

The 13th International Conference on Protein Stabilization, which will be held on 07 – 09 October 2021 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, will be organized by the University of Food Technologies, Gebze Technical University & The Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology (Bulgarian Academy of Science) with significant contribution of European Section of Applied Biocatalysis (ESAB) of the European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB). The ProtStab'2021 conference will cover all important aspects of protein chemistry, biochemistry and application as well as advanced biotechnologies in the field. The main scope of the symposium is to promote the exchange of information among academic and industrial researchers regarding technologies utilizing proteins to produce useful products and services.

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