17. Jul. 2020

As Covid-19 has affected the economy of nations, it has also impacted directly or indirectly the food availability and consumption. Most food establishments have continued the production during the pandemic to sustain the export and import market. Countries have different experiences in food supplies with the pandemic. Some countries report that groceries were hard to find for millions of people and that it is getting even worse.

The Special Interest Group “SIG Postharvest-Handling” of the ISEKI-Food Association organises a free web seminar on 17 July 2020 at 14:00 CEST focused on “Postharvest food handling in the COVID-19 crisis: sharing experiences from different regions of the world”, including export and import regulations as well as the availability of different food categories. The web seminar will be informative about the necessary preparation for disruptions in the food value chain during a crisis.

You can watch the recording of this event here:

"Due to technical difficulties, the case of Chile could not be presented during the web seminar. For this reason, you can find the presentation of Nuri Gras below, with an explanatory note."