The 20th ICC Conference 2022 will be organised together with BOKU (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences) as hybrid event in Vienna on the new date of July 5-7, 2022.
The Department of Food Science and Technology of BOKU will host this event and will ensure a safe environment following a sound Covid-concept. All stakeholders in the grain food chains are called to support this event by contributing with their expertise and sharing the results of their work in oral and poster presentations as well as panel discussions and exhibitions. The Conference Committees with members from public and private institutions from all over the world will facilitate an interesting program, focused on sustainability and future challenges in the cereal sector by inviting internationally renowned experts. The hybrid format will enlarge the audience to people who cannot be present in person to actively participate online.
Themes for this event include:
- Crop production and agricultural challenges
- Grain Biodiversity and Food Security
- Grain Nutrition and Health
- Processing and Cereal Products
- Grain quality, safety and analytical tools
- Market Trends and Consumer Demands
Online registration as well as abstract submission will open soon!
Find more details about the event at the ICC2022 website!