03. Feb. 2020 to 07. Feb. 2020
Wageningen University


For 2nd or 3rd-year BSc students:
The registration for the Global Food Law Winter School is now open!
·        Do you want to attend a 1-week course on the Wageningen University campus where you will get introduced to ALL aspects of food science and meet students from all over the world? Then apply for the Global Food Winter School!
·        The unique feature of this winter school is the diversity of its programme, including lectures, interactive workshops, company visits, product development case and much more.
“Amazing experience!! Was a great time being able to meet with likeminded people and discuss ideas / learn about food tech. ”
“I found networking to be the most beneficial. I met a lot of new people this week and gained perspective on problems in food science ”

‘’We experienced dynamic workshops from developing a sustainable food product with Unilever to making a windmill from recycled materials in Fablab Wageningen. I would highly recommend this programme for students from a Food Science, Food Technology, Food Business or Engineering discipline from anywhere in the world.’’

For more information please go to: