06. Mar. 2020

Final Conference on Sustainable Cereals. Food-Factory-4-Us. 6 March 2020 at 12.30 CET.

Register at! This conference will be interesting for university students of all levels and academic faculty in any food-related programme, cereal industry representatives, and anyone interested in sustainable food production.

Free and open to the public!!

For the programme please click HERE

The FoodFactory-4-Us Sustainable Supply Chain International Student Competition - organised by the ISEKI-Food Association in collaboration with the International Association of Cereal Science and Technology (ICC) -  as part of the NextFOOD project - has been running since November 2019 with student teams from universities worldwide competing in a game based on participatory education and action learning to find the best solutions to how ancient/alternative grains can contribute to improved sustainability in the cereal chain.

To learn more about the student competition, visit us at