25. Nov. 2024 to 28. Nov. 2024
Howard Civil Service International House

We sincerely invite you to join us attending the 2024 ICC International Conference: GRAINS FOR ONE HEALTH from Nov 25 – 27th in Taipei.

According to WHO, One Health is an integrated, unifying approach to balance and optimize the health of people, animal and the environment. Being the core of daily diet and energy supple, the supply chain of grains significantly contribute the approach of One Health, not only for the health of consumers but also the sustainability and the health of earth.

This conference aims to mobilize the approach of One Health by deeply discussing the topics of grains: Agriculture Net-Zero, Whole Grain, Functional Components, Health and Nutrition, Innovative Processing, as well as Safety and Traceability. Plenary speeches, keynote speeches, technical oral and poster reports will be included in the conference.

This meeting engages to agronomist, food scientists, dieticians, nutritionists’ researchers, government officials, food manufactures, producers of ingredients and specialty foods, food businesses and retailers, but also to the interested consumer, to discuss the current and future opportunities and challenges to the approach of One Health from the viewpoint of grains. On the last day of conference, visiting of grain industry will be arranged for experiencing food and agriculturae in grain technology as well as local culture.

Find out more on the GFOH24 hompage!