15. Oct. 2023 to 17. Oct. 2023
Graduate Hotel Minneapolis MN
United States
Minnesota US

The next IFT-EFFoST nonthermal processing in-person workshop and short course will be hosted by colleagues from University of Minnesota in Twin-Cities, Minnesota, USA on October 15-17, 2023. The workshop and short course aim to address the challenges facing the food industry in the sustainable circular economy development through innovative nonthermal processing technologies.

The workshop and short course will bring participants from academia, equipment providers, food processors and regulators together for sharing research progress and discuss how various nonthermal processing technologies help to conserve natural resources (energy, water, reduce waste), improve food safety, preserve health, and promote practices to meet sustainable development goals. 


  • Assure food safety and retain nutrient and quality
  • Create value-added products and open new market opportunities
  • Recover valuable compounds from agricultural and food wastes/byproducts
  • Increase consumers’ acceptance and potential for commercial implementation

Key dates:

  • Short course: October 15, 2023 (Sunday)
  • Workshop: October 16-17, 2023
  • Call for abstracts: June 23 – July 28, 2023
  • Registration open: July 7, 2023 (early birds August 18, 2023)
  • Venue: Graduate Hotel Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Minnesota (you are encouraged to stay in this hotel during the event to help reduce the costs)

We look forward to welcoming you to Minneapolis for what promises to be an engaging and informative event. For more information and updates, including registration and submission, please visit the event homepage!